Lecture 7: CQL 2/ MongoDB introduction#

Gittu George, January 28 2025

Attribution: This notebook is developed using some materials provided by neo4j.


  • Assignment 3 released. All lecture notes for this course is now available in our website.

Today’s Agenda#

  • Aggregation in cypher

  • Controlling the query chain

  • Controlling results returned

  • Introduction to NoSQL document database (MongoDB)

Learning objectives#

  • Using CQL to query the graph database

  • To make you capable of applying CQL skills to a real world problem (twitter data)

  • Have an understanding of document database and MongoDB

Check the ticks in this cheat sheet to see all topics we will cover by the end of this lecture. You only need these to finish your assignment.

Aggregation in Cypher#

When you return results as values, Cypher automatically returns the values grouped by a common value.

MATCH (p:Person)-[:REVIEWED]->(m:Movie)
RETURN p.name, m.title

Aggregation in Cypher is different from aggregation in SQL. In Cypher, you need not specify a grouping key. As soon as an aggregation function is used, all non-aggregated result columns become grouping keys. The grouping is implicitly done, based upon the fields in the RETURN clause.

  • count()

count() is a common way to aggregate your data. You can use count() to perform a

  • count of nodes

  • relationships

  • rows during query processing

MATCH (a:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Person)
RETURN a.name, d.name, count(m)

The query engine processed all nodes and relationships in the pattern so that it could perform a count of all movies for a particular actor/director pair in the graph. Then the results returned grouped the results by the name of the actor and director.

There are many places we can use count; check out this document

More aggregating functions such as avg(),stDev(), min() or max(), sum(). For entire list check in cypher manual.

Controlling the Query Chain#

  • Intermediate processing using WITH

MATCH (a:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
RETURN a.name, count(a) AS numMovies

During the execution of a MATCH clause, you can specify that you want some intermediate calculations or values that will be used for further processing of the query. You use the WITH clause to perform intermediate processing that is not possible in a RETURN clause.

Example: Using WITH

MATCH (a:Person)-[:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WITH a, count(a) AS numMovies
WHERE 1 < numMovies < 4
RETURN a.name, numMovies

In the above example, we start the query processing by retrieving all actors and their movie count. During the query processing, we only want to return actors with 2 or 3 movies. All other actors and the aggregated results are filtered out. Here WITH clause does the counting and collecting, and the intermediate result is used in the subsequent WHERE clause to test.

  • Subqueries with WITH

Here is an example where we retrieve all movies reviewed by a person. For a particular movie found, we want the list of directors of the movie, so we do a second query, a subquery as follows:

MATCH (m:Movie)<-[rv:REVIEWED]-(r:Person)
WITH m, rv, r
MATCH (m)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Person)
RETURN m.title, rv.rating, r.name, d.name

For the second MATCH clause, we use the found movie nodes, m. The RETURN clause has access to the movie, rating by that reviewer, the name of the reviewer, and the collection of director names for that movie.

Controlling Results Returned#

Now we will focus on controlling how results are processed in the RETURN and WITH clauses.

Dealing with duplicates#

  • Duplicate results

MATCH (p:Person)-[:DIRECTED | ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = 'Tom Hanks'
RETURN m.title, m.released

DISTINCT can be used to deal with duplicates.

MATCH (p:Person)-[:DIRECTED | ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = 'Tom Hanks'
RETURN DISTINCT m.title, m.released

Using DISTINCT in the RETURN clause here means that rows with identical values will not be returned.

Another way to avoid duplicates is by using WITH and DISTINCT together.

MATCH (p:Person)-[:DIRECTED | ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = 'Tom Hanks'
RETURN m.released, m.title

Ordering results#

If you want the results to be sorted, specify the expression to use for the sort using the ORDER BY keyword and whether you want the order to be descending using the DESC keyword. Ascending order is the default.

MATCH (p:Person)-[:DIRECTED | ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = 'Tom Hanks' OR p.name = 'Keanu Reeves'
RETURN DISTINCT m.title, m.released ORDER BY m.released DESC
  • Ordering multiple results

MATCH (p:Person)-[:DIRECTED | ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)
WHERE p.name = 'Tom Hanks' OR p.name = 'Keanu Reeves'
RETURN DISTINCT m.title, m.released ORDER BY m.released DESC , m.title

Limiting the number of results#


MATCH (p:Person)-->(m:Movie)
RETURN m.title as title, m.released as year ORDER BY m.released DESC LIMIT 10
MATCH (actor:Person)-[r:ACTED_IN]-(m:Movie) 
RETURN actor.name AS actor, COUNT(r) AS movienumber ORDER BY movienumber DESC LIMIT 5;
  • Limiting the number of intermediate results


Using ORDER BY and LIMIT together can be helpful in many scenarios, just like how you did it in your SQL assignments.

MATCH (p:Person)-->(m:Movie)
WITH DISTINCT m.title AS title, m.released AS year ORDER BY m.released DESC LIMIT 1
MATCH (pp:Person)-->(mm:Movie)
WHERE mm.title=title
RETURN pp.name,title,year


Expression in WITH must be aliased (use AS). As we discussed before whatever we give in WITH will be available for subquery. And if you are using a property within a node then you must use alias to refer to that in your subquery.

If within WITH you are using entire node or relationship then you don’t want to alias (but it’s okay if you want to use)

MATCH (m:Movie)<-[rv:REVIEWED]-(r:Person)
WITH m, rv, r
MATCH (m)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Person)
RETURN m.title, rv.rating, r.name, d.name
MATCH (m:Movie)<-[rv:REVIEWED]-(r:Person)
WITH m AS mov, rv AS movierel, r AS person
MATCH (mov)<-[:DIRECTED]-(d:Person)
RETURN mov.title, movierel.rating, person.name, d.name

Can you ?#

  • Perform intermediate processing with WITH.

  • Perform subqueries with WITH.

  • Count results returned.

  • Eliminate duplication in results returned.

  • Order results returned.

  • Limit the number of results returned.



MongoDB is a document-based DBMS:

  • Released in 2009

  • Written in C++

  • Open source

  • Cross platform

  • Super fast

MongoDB is based on JSON-like documents for data storage. It offers:

  • Native replication and sharding

  • Automatic scaling and load balancing

  • Multi-language support

  • Powerful query language

Who uses MongoDB#

Google, ebay, Craigslist, Toyota, Forbes, Electronic Arts, Adobe, AstraZeneca, and the list goes on.



  • JSON is short for Java Script Object Notation.

  • JSON documents are simple containers, where a string key is mapped to a value (e.g. a number, string, function, another object).

  "_id": 1,
  "name" : { "first" : "John", "last" : "Backus" },
  "contribs" : [ "Fortran", "ALGOL", "Backus-Naur Form", "FP" ],
  "awards" : [
      "award" : "W.W. McDowell Award",
      "year" : 1967,
      "by" : "IEEE Computer Society"
    }, {
      "award" : "Draper Prize",
      "year" : 1993,
      "by" : "National Academy of Engineering"

JSON documents can be found everywhere:

  • APIs

  • Configuration files

  • Log messages

  • Database storage


Although the JSON document may look great for storing data as is, but it has a number of drawbacks:

  • JSON is text, and text parsing is very slow

  • JSON’s format is readable but not space-efficient (a database concern)

  • JSON’s support of various data types is not great

It’s because of the above reasons that MongoDB stores data in BSON (Binary JSON) files, which address all of the above issues but still look like JSON when we work with them in MongoDB.

For an overview, see here.


In MongoDB, a database consists of one or more collections, each containing multiple documents.



  • Each document contains field-value pairs

  • The field name _id acts as the primary key of each document, and should therefore be unique in a collection

  • MongoDB automatically assigns an _id value if not specified at the time of inserting a document

  • MongoDB creates an index on the _id field by default

  • The maximum size of a BSON document is about 16MB

MongoDB Atlas is a fully managed cloud database service, that automates the whole process of configuring, administration and maintaining of a database server for you. Basically, you specify what kind of server (CPU, RAM, number of nodes, location, etc.) you need, and MongoDB Atlas sets it up for you. They’ve partnered with Amazon Web Services, Google Cloud Platform, Microsoft Azure to host their database instances.

The majority of these services are paid, however, they also offer a basic database service that is free and is best suited for learning and exploring. We’ll use the free MongoDB Atlas clusters for our course. You can set up your own cluster here.

See also

Here are the details on how to setup your MongoDB atlas and setup your mongosh.

Class activity#


Check worksheet 7 in canvas for detailed instructions on activity and submission instructions.

  • Practice CQL using twitter data

Worksheet 7#

Question: I’m interested to know whether there is a relationship between the rate at which people reply, and are replied to.

In any graph questions keep two rules in mind. Can you…

  • Break the questions into various parts

    • the rate at which people reply

    • and are replied to

  • Can you draw the logic with a pen and paper? (Maybe for a complex scenario or for identifying some interesting questions)

Did you draw ?

Here are some of my thoughts on formulating a CQL query.

  • What are the elements that I need to RETURN?

    • sentreply (and are replied to) - eg: pink ones in drawing - e and d

    • gotreply (the rate at which people reply) - eg: red ones in drawing - a, b and c.

  • Where can I get these elements? (Check CALL apoc.meta.data())

  • What pattern do I need to give in my MATCH?

  • Do I need to provide multiple MATCH clauses/patterns?

    • Maybe multiple MATCH for subquerying

  • Is any subquery needed?

    • Maybe YES, one for the first breakdown (gotreply)

    • and the other for the second breakdown I listed.(sentreply)

  • Do I have to do any aggregation?

    • YES, sum(), so what property needs to be inside this?

  • Okay, I need to do aggregation, but what should be the grouping key ?

Cartesian product situation#

This is one common confusion people run into. So in most cases when you are working out a CQL, try to split the problem into multiple parts and then combine them (like how you are doing in the above question).

If you tried to work on a single pattern and wonder why the results are not as expected, then you might be running into a cartesian product situation. To understand this go through the below example and reason through it.

Try to workout below query and see the results. Keep a note of how many “ACTED_IN” and “REVIEWED” relations are there.

MATCH p =(a:Person)-[rel:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie),
p1 = (m)<-[rel1:REVIEWED]-(d:Person)
WHERE m.released = 2000 AND m.title = "The Replacements"
RETURN p, p1

Later execute below queries and see the results.

Query 1:

MATCH (m)<-[rel:REVIEWED]-(d:Person)
WHERE m.released = 2000 AND m.title = "The Replacements"
WITH m, count(rel) as reviewed_number
MATCH (m)<-[rel1:ACTED_IN]-(a:Person)
return m.title, reviewed_number, count(rel1) as acted_number


MATCH p =(a:Person)-[rel1:ACTED_IN]->(m:Movie)<-[rel:REVIEWED]-(d:Person)
WHERE m.released = 2000 AND m.title = "The Replacements"
RETURN m.title,  count(rel1) AS reviewed_number ,count(rel1) as acted_number

Which query gives you the intended results ?

  • Query1 is the way to go. As with Query 2, engine end up doing a cartesian product of all relationships. This behaviour is due to the under the hood implementation and processing of the query.