Mini Video series#

Here are recorded videos that supplement your learning. These can be short videos made by the teaching team or tutorials hosted by TAs.

Importance of package manager#

We will also be having a tutorial this year. Scheduled to happen Thur this week by Jordan Yu (TA) 5 - 6 pm.

Setting up relational database - RDS#

Here is the youtube video that will help you with first-week installations and setup.

Check out youtube video:

Here are the video chapters:

  • 0:00 Brief intro

  • 11:30 Setting up RDS database

  • 25:58 IMPORTANT: Update security group RDS

  • 29:00 Connecting pgadmin to the RDS

  • 34:30 Loading dumps to your Database

  • 45:10 Understanding absolute vs relative path

  • 52:58 Connecting Jupyter Notebook to the RDS

from IPython.display import HTML

# Youtube
HTML('<iframe width="860" height="616" src=";controls=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>')
/Users/ggeorg02/opt/miniconda3/envs/jb2023/lib/python3.11/site-packages/IPython/core/ UserWarning: Consider using IPython.display.IFrame instead
  warnings.warn("Consider using IPython.display.IFrame instead")

Setting up graph database - RDS#

Week 3 and 4

You will do everything mentioned below as part of worksheet 5. You must watch this video that talks about everything in worksheet 5. Here is the video link

Here are the timestamps for each question:

  • 0:00 Brief Intro - The plan

  • 1:38 Que 2 - WS 5

  • 06:45 Que 3 - WS 5

  • 11:56 Que 4 - WS 5

  • 17:01 Que 5 - WS 5

  • 22:40 Que 5 - WS 5 - some issues and fixes

  • 26:15 Que 6 - WS 4 - using a different package

  • 27:53 Conclusion and learnings

from IPython.display import HTML

# Youtube
HTML('<iframe width="860" height="616" src=";controls=0&amp;showinfo=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>')